39 Life Lessons I Learned in 39 Years


Compass Rose — Ibirapuera Park/São Paulo

As I look back over the years, I realize that each phase, each triumph, and each challenge has significantly impacted my life and brought me to where I am now. As I analyze, I am deeply grateful for my Mission to help everyone build their dreams. Age is just a number, but the bigger it gets, the more wisdom and experience we accumulate. So, we must embrace the present moment and fully appreciate it! Our path is made by our own steps, but the beauty of the journey depends on those who follow it beside us!

My gratitude for all the moments where we share friendship, learning, growth, transformation, and expansion. Let’s continue together on this Journey…Namaste _/\_

  1. Happiness comes from within. We spend a lot of time in our lives looking for external approvals. Do not waste time. Look inside yourself.

2. Be grateful. For everything and everyone. Do a daily practice of gratitude for all the blessings in your life, big and small. This will open up ways to attract even more joy, love, health, and prosperity.

3. When you feel fear, anger, and hurt, simply choose to view the situation differently. Reframe it. It is good for you. And for your health!

4. Flexibility, adaptation, and resilience are some of the ingredients for living in a society. Find your secret formula and experience the moments with the most different people, with more harmony and peace.

5. The world is our mirror — what we love about others is a reflection of what we love about ourselves. The opposite is true too (Think about it).

6. Everyone comes into our life for a reason. It is up to us to be open to learning the lessons they are destined to teach us.

7. Confidence — in difficult times, all I know is that the Universe does its rounds and everything is fine. The Greater Good is supporting us, always.

8. Traveling: being in contact with Nature heals, invigorates and revitalizes us — a lot. Enjoy and remove the blindfold — the world becomes more beautiful when we walk around with our eyes wide open. Take in the people and landscape around you.

9. When something ends, it really ends — Simple as that. Go ahead and grow rich with the experience. According to one of the Indian spiritual laws: “It happened the only thing that could have happened.” As such, all situations are perfect experiences and sources of learning.

10. Perfectionism is an illusion — do strive for excellence but allow yourself to learn, at all times, regardless of the outcome. Making mistakes is also a way of learning.

11. Life is magic. It’s enchantment! It is necessary to preserve the purity of our hearts. It is necessary to see with the eyes of the Soul. Breathe serenely. Take it easy. You have to hear the melody. Give thanks for life. Surfing the vibrations of the Universe, feeling each unique moment it provides us.

12. Celebrate your journey. Savor all your successes, big and small.

13. Forgive — forgiveness means gaining the Peace and Freedom you deserve.

14. Learn to listen to the voice of your heart. It knows the way.

15. Let your soul shine! Be authentic. There is no one else on Earth like you. Live, breathe and experience your life purpose.

16. We are all Co-creators — with intention, focus, and persistence — anything is possible. We are all Light — we have the power to enlighten everything and everyone around us.

17. We deserve all the good things we want. Prosperity is a divine right and we intrinsically hold the key to greater abundance. It is up to us to awaken this magic and the Universe will grant it.

18. Surround yourself with people who love and support you. Love and support them too! Life is too short for anything less.

19. Giving is the secret to receiving — share Wisdom, Love, Talents. Share freely and be amazed by the results.

20. Balance is the key to mental, professional, emotional, and spiritual Success.

21. Say “yes” to all that enlightens you. Say “no”, without apologizing, to anything that doesn’t belong to you or add no value.

22. Time is one of our most precious resources. It doesn’t come back. Learn to manage it wisely.

23. Overcoming your fears is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. Overcoming is a proof that you can accomplish anything!

24. Our body is our Temple. We must treat it with love and supply it with health to feel vibrant and full of energy.

25. Let everyone you love know your feelings for them. We never know what day we will leave or that they will.

26. The present moment is the place you have to be. Learn from the past, cherish the beautiful memories, but don’t get attached to them. Dream big, plan for the future but don’t become obsessed with it. Experience the present moment, it is your present.

27. Life is full of ups and downs. We need them to grow and evolve. Each and every situation that happens in our lives is perfect. Hold on and enjoy the ride. We are time travelers. Every day, we join dots, build bridges, cross labyrinths, raise the level of our consciousness, transform ourselves…

28. We are all connected, as one human family. Nobody is better or worse than anybody else — we’re just at different stages. We must learn to respect each other’s moment.

29. It all starts at the right time. Neither before nor after.

30. We are not the center of the Universe (although the ego thinks that). See the world with different eyes and perspectives.

31. The world needs more Love, Light, and Smiles. Do your part!

32. We have unlimited power — when you stop doing what everyone else wants you to do and start following your intuition, you will be extremely happy.

33. We are unique. No one in the world is like you. Each of us with different characteristics, traits, personality, and mission. Our individuality must always be preserved and respected. Be proud of yourself and understand that it is your individuality that makes you truly beautiful. Be yourself — live your essence, live your truth, and you will be loved and admired for what you are, not what you pretend to be.

34. Live more spontaneously. Things don’t necessarily have to be programmed to work out.

35. The bonds that bind us are sometimes impossible to explain. They connect us, challenge distance, time, and logic. Because some ties simply must exist.

36. It’s not mere chance, it’s no coincidence, it’s not luck, it’s SYNCHRONICITY! It is necessary to experience it to understand the true meaning of this word. And only then do we understand the naturalness, spontaneity, authenticity, fluidity, comfort, and a feeling of fullness from having found the right key for a particular door.

37. Serendipity. I remember learning this word as a title of movie in 2001. Understanding what serendipity is was a little later, while experiencing it. That moment when we realize that, if we are open, life takes care of orchestrating all the events, surprisingly fitting them together. At first, we call these events synchronicities. Yes, synchronicities do exist. But there is a special touch to serendipity: the unexpected arrival of beautiful surprises, the magic of making happy discoveries. The feeling that we weren’t waiting for something, and successively, situations happen and lead us to a result that we could never imagine.

38. 2020 was a year marked by several lessons, through a pandemic. And in the midst of a forced isolation, I could see: There is more union than distance, even though we cannot touch. There is more solidarity than selfishness in souls, even though some people still act in opposite behaviors. There are people we don’t forget and there are people who don’t forget us. There are people we still know very little, but they come closer wishing for health, harmony, even distant ones wanting to help. I always believed that there was more love than hate in human beings, despite the vanity, violence, and untruths that haunt our days. We needed to stop. Stop to AWAKE. Unfortunately, we reached the limit, in chaos, but maybe that was how it had to be. Our Mother Earth asks us to see with REASON. Let us not waste time attacking, judging, segregating. We must now, together, take care to receive it. It’s time to be in the presence, a great shift is taking place in the consciousness of humanity. Let’s make use of our essence, of what we are made of: THE POWER OF LOVE! Love yourself. Love people. The challenges are many, but together we find healing and soon we will have peace and release again. Because we deserve it because We Are All One.

39. The Awakening Call is a unique, personal, subjective, and non-transferable process. Awakening at this moment is having a more improved Vision. It’s being truly able to be yourself. It’s feeling connected to everything and everyone — humans, animals, nature, planet, universe! In Eastern culture, living in real Happiness and Fulfillment is experiencing your DHARMA. The word Dharma comes from Sanskrit धर्म and it is a concept that encompasses all the actions human beings must perform throughout life. Unlike Karma कर्म (daily actions, positive or negative, which we have obligations related to learn, understand, develop or transmute), the Dharma is something greater, it is our Purpose, our Mission, our great Call to which we came to perform on Earth. Trust in the natural unfolding of the expression of life, exercise your Mission through the Threefold Flame of Love, Wisdom, and Power that resides in your heart, and thus, you will experience your days in the purest Happiness and Fulfillment.



Kátia Brunetti — English / Español
Kátia Brunetti — English / Español

Written by Kátia Brunetti — English / Español

Owner itanaliafranco, Educator, Teacher, Translator/Interpreter, Writer, Speaker, Coach, Holistic Therapist. Medium PORTUGUÊS @ katiabrunetti3

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