Blended learning


An exclusive differential tool methodology by Idiomas e Traduções Anália Franco

Idiomas e Traduções Anália Franco

The teaching landscape has changed completely with the technological rise of the 21st century, the broad integration of these technologies combined with Internet access. Our children are already growing and will continue to grow in a world in which the speed of information is spread by smartphones and tablets, accessible at all times, including replacing most computers and laptops.

Teaching methods, therefore, need to evolve to keep up with the times and incorporate technologies integrated into learning. These technologies will not disappear, they will continue to be integrated into our society and it is time to use them in the classroom, mainly because of the advantages they bring.
Blended Learning is an approach to education that combines educational materials and opportunities for online interaction with traditional methods. It requires the presence of the teacher and student, with some technological elements that control the time, place, and pace of learning.

The terms “mixed learning”, “hybrid learning”, “technology-mediated instruction” and “web-enhanced instruction” are often used when researching this modality. Although the concepts behind blended learning developed in the 1960s, the formal terminology to describe it did not take on its current form until the late 1990s. One of the first uses of the term appears in a 1999 press release, in which Interactive Learning Centers, an educational company from Atlanta, announced a name change to EPIC Learning. The statement mentions “The company currently operates 220 online courses, but will start offering its courses on the Internet using the company’s Blended Learning methodology”.

The term “blended learning” was initially vague, encompassing a wide variety of technologies and teaching methods in varying combinations, some even without the use of technology, just a mixture of methodologies. In 2006, the term became concrete with the publication of the first book on the subject, the Handbook of Blended Learning.

Some examples of channels through which online blended learning can be provided include web streaming and online video. Solutions like Khan Academy have been used in classrooms to serve as blended learning platforms.

What is different about this teaching modality?

:: Provides students with instant access to materials wherever they are and when they need them. Due to this ease of access, students can learn at their own pace and acquire the necessary knowledge and skills in the way that best suits their styles.

:: One of the biggest challenges in the classroom is to involve students and keep them interested in the materials. Because? Because nowadays, their attention spans are short and they have higher goals to be achieved. Blended learning is used to promote the engagement process and offer opportunities for evaluation, research sessions, and project presentations.

:: Collaboration is one of the main factors necessary for effective learning. Combined learning allows course participants to work together, participate in discussions, and provide useful feedback to each other, which undoubtedly leads to improvement and greater involvement. Online discussions, dynamics, and feedback from colleagues can significantly improve their knowledge and skills. Everyone is motivated to participate actively, which leads to much better learning results.

:: Tracking student progress is important, but traditional methods do not exactly facilitate visualizing student performance. Combined learning allows you to track progress at any time, so you can better understand your strengths and weaknesses without fail. With learning software, for example, teachers view test reports online and identify areas where students need more help to reach their full potential.

:: As students’ needs are different and everyone follows a unique learning style, it is important to meet everyone’s needs. You can find students who will benefit most from reading texts accompanied by presentations and others who will better understand the topics after watching relevant videos. With mixed learning, the incorporation of different learning styles become possible — PowerPoints, images, audio, video files, etc.

Mixed learning is important because it breaks down traditional teaching barriers, which do not work for all students, and now, with access to current technologies and resources, we can personalize the learning experience. Combined learning also offers flexible terms that can be customized for each person, learning at their own pace.

Learning is an active process. It requires more than knowledge. It is giving and receiving, it is an incentive for everyone to learn together. As a teacher, the best joy is seeing my students’ eyes shine when they have that “aha moment”, that moment that reveals a new world opening up for them. It is my duty to encourage and support this intrinsic motivation, choosing specific learning, bringing together the best in-person and online modes. Teaching in this way allows me to get to know my students and find the most effective learning for each of them. #ILoveMyJob

Book: Blended Learning in Action: A Practical Guide Toward Sustainable Change by Catlin R. Tucker, Jason T. Green, and Tiffany Wycoff
Book: The Blended Learning Book: Best Practices, Proven Methodologies, and Lessons Learned by Josh Bersin



Kátia Brunetti — English / Español
Kátia Brunetti — English / Español

Written by Kátia Brunetti — English / Español

Owner itanaliafranco, Educator, Teacher, Translator/Interpreter, Writer, Speaker, Coach, Holistic Therapist. Medium PORTUGUÊS @ katiabrunetti3

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