Coaching — a simple and effective way for your personal and professional development


Many people ask me how to achieve their goals, and how to perform their tasks more effectively. Coaching is the answer!

We all have big plans, but we often don’t know where to start to carry them out. Hence, the feeling that something is missing and the insecurity of moving forward to achieve goals. Coaching does not simply mean telling people what they should do. The real meaning goes much further. It is a method that helps to establish goals, values ​​, and intentions. Coaching helps the person to go beyond their blocks. It is based on a logical, practical, accessible, and easy process to maximize the efficiency of each one in different areas of life.

The word coach comes from the English language which means “trainer”. It was first used in sports to name a person who helps an athlete improve his skills. All professional athletes today have a personal trainer. From there, the idea spread to other areas. A significant moment for this expansion was the publication of Timothy Gallwey’s book, “The inner game of tennis”, a book in which uses sports training ideas in a much broader way. Timothy Gallwey is considered the pioneer in the psychology movement applied to sport and the corporate world, and also recognized as the founder of the Coaching process.

Coaching works as a partnership between the coach (the professional) and the coachee (the client). The coach is a professional specially trained to work on human development. They work on client communication through sessions, dialogues, and interactions that expand his awareness, skills, and competences.

You can use Coaching for various reasons, planning a new career, for growth in business, for becoming a leader, to increase your confidence and work/life balance. The process is subdivided into several areas depending on the main focus of each coachee, which include:





Coaching is not:

Coaching is not therapy. The process does not focus on your past, does not heal emotional wounds, and does not resolve cases of anxiety or depression. The coaching professional works to develop a plan based on the client’s values ​​and goals.

Coaching is not consulting. Unlike a consultant, who is hired to provide answers, the coaching professional does not have the role of knowing all the answers and solving the client’s problems. However The must-have tools challenge the client to act and move towards goals, but they will never tell what to do.

Coaching philosophy — some of its main concepts

:: All human beings dream of fulfilling their purposes and they deserve the opportunity to be better.

:: People create their life experience and a coach can help in this process.

:: Intellectual understanding is not enough. Change means acting.

:: Failure does not exist. If you don’t get what you want, you find another way.

:: Failure is just a way of saying that you didn’t get it — yet.

:: Everyone has inner resources. Nobody is helpless. The client has the answers, the professional has the questions.

:: A coach can help increase the number of choices in the client’s life.

:: Coaching is a synergistic partnership.

Benefits of a coaching process

The benefits will be short, medium, and long term, depending on the quality of life they wish to have. By being able to remove the obstacles that blocked you, it will result in a more satisfying and happy life in all aspects. Professionally, you will become more qualified for your work and, consequently, you will get better results. For companies and organizations, coaching is an investment for employee performance and business development.

Coaching is proof of the company’s commitment to investing in intellectual capital and contributes to a more qualified organizational support culture.



Kátia Brunetti — English / Español
Kátia Brunetti — English / Español

Written by Kátia Brunetti — English / Español

Owner itanaliafranco, Educator, Teacher, Translator/Interpreter, Writer, Speaker, Coach, Holistic Therapist. Medium PORTUGUÊS @ katiabrunetti3

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