All Souls’ Day — Reflection, Longing, Respect, and Gratitude
My Gratitude, dear parents, grandparents and other ancestors for having woven my path, immense gratitude for the immensity of your dreams that, somehow, are now my reality.
From this point, and with much love, I give birth to the sadness that there was in past generations, I give birth to anger, premature departures, unspoken names, tragic fates.
I give light to the arrow that cut paths and made the sidewalk easier for us.
I give birth to joy, to stories repeated over and over again.
I give birth to the unspoken and family secrets.
I bring to light the stories of violence and rupture between couples, parents and children and between siblings and may it be time and love that unite again.
I give birth to all the memories of limitation and poverty, all the disruptive and negative beliefs that permeate my family system.
Here and now I sow new hope, joy, unity, prosperity, delivery, balance, boldness, faith, strength, overcoming, and love.
May all past and future generations be now, in this moment covered with a rainbow of lights that heal and restore body, soul and all relationships.
May the strength and blessing of each generation always reach and flood the next generation.
So be it. So it is!
Bert Hellinger
When I was a child, I imagined there were two types of worlds: the one we inhabit, our beloved Earth, and the one where those who “need to leave” reside. Years later, studying Spirituality, I gained knowledge and found clearer answers on this topic.
From the beginning, we know it will be this way: we are born, we grow, and, at the right time, we depart. But as time goes on, we forget this truth and resist accepting the divine natural order, allowing the pain of loss to overwhelm our hearts.
We are here only for a while. After learning the necessary lessons, it’s time to move on to another plane of Evolution. No one leaves too soon or too late; we go at the right moment. Everything has its time, and it is up to us to understand God’s will.
We are here to learn, to teach, and to evolve. God does not desire our suffering; He wants us to become stronger. Parents, children, grandchildren, friends… a loved one will never be forgotten, just as they will never forget you.
When the longing grows deep, take that favorite photo and look at it, remembering the happy moments spent with that person. Those we love never die as long as we keep them alive in our hearts and in our fondest memories. When the longing grows strong, look to the sky and say with all your heart: I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER! And remember: Those we love do not die; they only leave before us.
Message dedicated to my Grandma Assunta and my Grandpa Orlando, my eternal gratitude for all the moments and teachings.