Motivation: the fundamental characteristic of the Teacher-Leader


Education is a process of behavior change and development that occurs continuously throughout each phase of life. Teachers are active agents in all phases of this process. The formation of the student’s desirable behavior is closely linked to the teacher’s levels of motivation, attitude, and behavior. Low levels of motivation in the classroom, negatively influence the achievement of high standards in education.

In the past few decades, teachers have been seen as the authors of both problems and solutions in the classroom. Education researchers and school leaders have faced the challenge of motivating teachers to high levels of performance.

According to researchers and sociologists, today’s school environments are a rewarding scenario but also a shortage for the professional’s work and often seem to provide no effort for teachers to grow professionally and improve student learning (Peterson, 2005). Much of the teachers’ work is done in independent classrooms that isolate them from the support of their colleagues. Due to this organizational structure, teachers are not properly supervised, do not receive feedback regularly, and often find it difficult to collaborate in groups.

Perhaps as a result of these circumstances, research also shows that many good teachers leave teaching in the first three years (Sentence 2012). Education leaders need to find ways to keep teachers in the profession and keep them motivated. A motivated professional is one who is not only satisfied with the work but is also able to strive for excellence and growth in practice.

Teachers are responsible for disseminating knowledge in their schools. The principal and school board are primarily responsible for the administration of that school. The primary responsibility for motivating teachers is the school administration (Karakose, 2002). According to Benaych (1996), directors and coordinators must be present to invigorate and motivate teachers daily. While inspiring and encouraging positivity, the human being, at the same time, increases, maintains and transmits his motivation (Celik, 1999). The teacher is responsible for the focus, attention, and interest of students in the classroom — the teacher’s enthusiasm for daily activities has a significant impact on increasing student motivation levels. One of the teacher’s main tasks is to guarantee the motivation of his classroom (Deniz et al., 2006). Once these goals are reached, the level of motivation in general increases directly.

The definitions of motivation can vary, but everyone agrees that it is an internal impulse that leads to positive actions. Each human being has a different personality, interests, attitudes, expectations, desires, and needs, consequently, sources of motivation also differ according to the individual. Even so, according to Arik (1996), motivation has some fundamental functions — that is, the determination of initiation of intensity and level, the direction and maintenance of behavior. In this context, motivation is directly related to the source of the behavior, and how the behavior can be addressed and enhanced.

The challenge for us educators is to remember that we have chosen an important profession; we must remember this every day. The additional challenge for educational leaders is to help those with whom we work to feel this level of importance as well. Research shows that teachers are more likely to value intrinsic rewards, such as respect, responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment.

A clear conclusion from the research points — helping young people to learn is the central objective for both those entering the teaching profession and those working to reform education. Therefore, new directions in the participatory improvement of the school, the comprehensive and significant development, support, and evaluation of teachers are great promises to amplify the motivation in the area of ​​education.



Kátia Brunetti — English / Español
Kátia Brunetti — English / Español

Written by Kátia Brunetti — English / Español

Owner itanaliafranco, Educator, Teacher, Translator/Interpreter, Writer, Speaker, Coach, Holistic Therapist. Medium PORTUGUÊS @ katiabrunetti3

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