SUPER LEARNING — tips to learn successfully
Nowadays, many people use techniques to study, better understand, and retain information. A few proven steps make your study more effective. Different methods work for different people. The following are some suggestions for improving your studies:
:: Pay attention in class — sit in a place where you will be able to hear the teacher’s explanation.
:: Set goals for each study session — outline a strategy, set your goals, and try as hard as possible to meet them.
:: Manage your time — make a weekly schedule and take the time to study every day.
:: Review the subject right after class — when studying every day, the subject stays in your memory for a long time and you will not easily forget it.
:: Start studying at least 30–90 minutes after a meal. Some people prefer to study in silence, others prefer background music. If you belong to the second group, prefer instrumental songs, those that do not contain words, such as classical or baroque style. Otherwise, your brain will enter a state of “multitasking” and be distracted by the lyrics. In addition, listening to relaxing music at a low volume helps relieve stress.
:: Posture — try to study in a place where you can sit properly, a quiet place where there will be no interruptions. Correct posture increases concentration, in addition to avoiding back problems and poor circulation.
:: Stay alert — the attention you give to a subject is very important. The more alert you are when studying, the faster you will learn.
:: Study similar subjects at different times — brain waves are like radio waves and if there is not enough space between them, there will be interference. Therefore, the more similar the materials, the more interference there will be. Separate study periods: divide your time to study Portuguese with chemistry or physics, not with English or Spanish, for example.
:: Do not spend more than 1 hour on the same subject — to learn better you must distribute the subjects strategically so that your subconscious mind absorbs what you have just studied.
:: Take rest breaks — Cornell University experts say your study will be more effective if you take a 20-minute break between classes.
:: Test yourself — find out what your strengths and weaknesses are. You can use review questions, practice tests, or even create a PowerPoint presentation. That way, you won’t just memorize what you’ve learned — you’ll understand! Writing in your own words, teaching, or explaining the subject enables greater understanding.
:: The construction of mind maps — this technique allows organizing data, clearly visualizing the studied concept, organizing knowledge, and summarizing important ideas.
:: Stay hydrated — a lack of at least 2% water in the body can cause a 20% loss of focus.
:: Feed your brain before studying and taking tests — make sure you are getting enough B vitamins, proteins, and carbohydrates.
These powerful tips will activate your brain and the material studied will remain in your memory for much longer. Choose the tips that best fit your profile and good studies!