The power of synchronicity
Synchronicity — Concept developed by Carl Gustav Jung to define events that are related not by causal relationships, but by meaningful relationships. Thus, we must consider synchronistic events not related to the principle of causality, but because they have the same or similar meaning. Synchronicity is also referred to by Jung as “significant coincidence”
Another day begins and new events are to come. We will experience it differently. Let yourself evolve comfortably out of your comfort zone so that you raise your potential for achievement.
First, we must clear the limiting field of our unconscious and put in place new perceptions that inspire and animate us. Inspired by what we want, we can create a new reality and set goals and objectives. Then, we must take a step forward, press the “start” button and the signs for the achievement of our goals begin to manifest naturally.
Synchronicity is an approximation of apparently disconnected events. If we pay attention, we can recognize that our lives are shaped by these significant moments. We then can nurture and positively participate in these moments.
We must walk naturally to improve as a person and make progress towards achieving our goals.
May the power of synchronicity gently embrace you as the essence of true peace fills your Soul.
In the following video, Dr. Wayne Dyer explains the importance of Faith, Synchronicity, and Consciousness in our lives:
Dr. Wayne Walter Dyer (Michigan, May 10, 1940 — Maui August 25, 2015) is a renowned American author, psychotherapist and master of education at St. John’s University. He spent much of his childhood and adolescence in an orphanage in Detroit.
His book “Your Erroneous Zones” (1976), inspired by the humanistic psychology of Abraham Maslow, has sold over 30 million copies and is one of the best-selling books of all time.