The True Role of the English Language
The English language had its origin at least 1500 years ago, arising from the languages spoken by the Germanic peoples of the 5th century. Since then, it has evolved, been altered, and transported around the world in different ways. The language we now know as English first became the dominant language in Britain during the Middle Ages and in Ireland during the 18th and 19th centuries. From there, it was exported by settlers to the four corners of the world. “International English”, “World English” or “Global English” are terms used today to describe the type of “Modern English”, which has become, throughout the 20th century, the means of communication worldwide.
Over the years, several studies have pointed out that the teaching of the English language (ELT) brings with it imperialist influences. This sometimes happens in relation to the imposition of a language abroad, resulting in its being assigned a secondary status. On other occasions, the teaching of the English language is seen as a tool to propagate the economic, cultural, and religious values of the dominant world powers.
In fact, the English language comes to our aid for business transactions worldwide. English is the language of business management and its proficiency brings laurels to many business managers. English is not only a medium for international trade, it has become increasingly essential for technological advancement. The most recent discoveries and inventions of science and technology are being made at universities located in the United States, where the language is the medium of scientific discourse.
A language attracts people due to the wealth of literature and the knowledge it consecrates.
English poses no danger to native languages. All languages are vibrant and are contributing as a vehicle of expression. English is available as a historical heritage far beyond our own language. We have to make the best use of it to develop culturally and materially so that we can compete with the best. The English language is the window to the world. It is the tool to establish our point of view. We can learn from the experiences of other peoples. We can check foreign theories. We can reject and accept what they stand for. We can also spread our theories among public and international readers.
In general, Modern English is spoken by almost 500 million people worldwide. It remains in the third position as a native language and second position as a second language. It is the official language of air transport; the main language of science, technology, computers, and commerce; and an important means of education, publication, and international negotiation.