What is energy?


Albert Einstein said: “Everything is energy and that is all there is.” I agree with this quote since we can experience the effects of positive energy and negative energy at all times.

We must be careful of unexpected swings. In order not to get intoxicated with negative energies. We must first breathe, allowing the energy to transform. Then drink water. Yes, water is the source that nourishes and renews our body. And so, working together on beliefs and values ​​to make a positive difference at that time. Every movement, every emotion, and every thought we have deposits energy. It is as if someone presses an emotional button and the energy starts to flow. How we receive it depends on us. Positively or negatively.

Where does this energy come from?
I believe that God is the source of all energy on Earth. It is infinite energy, which is always available, free of charge. Just focus and it’s there. So, why don’t we feel positive 24 hours a day? Simple, because we close our hearts out of that positive energy. At some point in our lives, in a distorted way of thinking or out of fear, our minds believe that if we avoid the things we fear or do not know, we can protect ourselves, so as not to get hurt. And, failing to face situations is very bad for us. For our physical, mental, and spiritual health.

All energy, thoughts, feelings, and events, ideally, should go through us. This means being in flux and not allowing the energy to get stuck or stagnant. But most of us, instead of lighting up, end up ruminating, mainly negative energies. In other words, the energy circles are around us. We end up focusing more on negative thoughts than on positive ones, and once again we don’t let the negative energy dissipate. On the contrary, we ended up saving it. And where does it go? To the heart. These stagnant energy patterns go to the depths of our hearts and leave impressions. These impressions hold negative energy and do not allow us to flow. This is where we form negative patterns or beliefs that prevent us from achieving our goals.

It is vitally important to keep the energy flowing freely and positively within our hearts. The energy stored in our heart is real, and it interacts with the flow of thoughts and feelings. If the paths are not open, eventually, everything will seem negative, because the heart automatically transmits this feeling to our consciousness. That is probably why so many people today are dealing with a depressive state.

Remember: You are a source of energy, from the inside out. When you are open, you feel it! There are simple methods for learning to remain open, to receive, and to transmute energies. My favorite tool is meditation. When starting a meditation, set an intention. Silently, define in your mind a sentence, like the following: “I choose to leave past thoughts, feelings, and memories that are not for my greatest good.” In a pleasant, relaxing environment you will begin to feel the energy transform and thus let go of beliefs that prevent you from flowing positively.

Excellent meditation, in Growth, and Light!



Kátia Brunetti — English / Español
Kátia Brunetti — English / Español

Written by Kátia Brunetti — English / Español

Owner itanaliafranco, Educator, Teacher, Translator/Interpreter, Writer, Speaker, Coach, Holistic Therapist. Medium PORTUGUÊS @ katiabrunetti3

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