Where does creativity come from?
We strive daily to obtain innovative solutions to the challenges of our work. But where do all the creative ideas come from? Here are some experiences I have had about creativity throughout my career.
:: Everything we see and hear throughout the day, be it a book, a TV show, a tweet, an article on a blog, a song or a conversation provides us with building material for great ideas. All of this can be classified as our knowledge baggage. If you visit an office, you are likely to find employees engaged in brainstorming sessions, scribbling thoughts, and ideas. This type of interaction between different people can spark inspiration and result in something brilliant.
:: In one of my readings, the author reports that his best ideas often appear in his dreams. She says her mind is better able to work on problems when she is not actively conscious.
:: Many claim that their best thoughts come in the shower, while they were alone on a long trip, on long walks in the park, in the tranquility of an enclosure or the last minutes before sleeping. I believe that moments of meditation and tranquility provide magnificent results. Our best ideas come when we least expect them.
Creativity corresponds to a steady rhythm of alpha waves that emanate from the right hemisphere of the brain. Which, in turn, is stimulated by relaxation. The moment our minds are at ease they produce creative insights. A good idea can come anywhere. There are endless ways to get the solution to your challenges. Do you know where your inspiration comes from?